
resource.js REST resource CRUD utility


Resource ⏏

Kind: Exported class

new Resource(url)

The REST resource CRUD utility

Param Type Description
url string The RESTful url pattern

resource.getUrl(options) ⇒ string

Get the URL for the given optionsions

Kind: instance method of Resource
Returns: string - A string of URL.

Param Type Description
options Object A set of key/value pairs to configure the URL query.

resource.create(obj, options) ⇒ Promise

Create an Object from obj with the given options.

Kind: instance method of Resource
Returns: Promise - A promise resolves when obj is created successful, and rejects whenever there is an error.

Param Type Description
obj Object A plain Object to be created on the server.
options Object A set of key/value pairs to configure the URL query.

resource.query(options) ⇒ Promise

Query Objects with the given options.

Kind: instance method of Resource
Returns: Promise - A promise resolves when retrieved successful, and rejects whenever there is an error.

Param Type Description
options Object A set of key/value pairs to configure the URL query.

resource.update(obj, options) ⇒ Promise

Update the object specified by obj with the given options.

Kind: instance method of Resource
Returns: Promise - A promise resolves when obj is updated successful, and rejects whenever there is an error.

Param Type Description
obj Object A plain object to update with.
options Object A set of key/value pairs to configure the URL query.

resource.delete(options) ⇒ Promise

Delete objects with the given options.

Kind: instance method of Resource
Returns: Promise - A promise resolves when obj is deleted successful, and rejects whenever there is an error.

Param Type Description
options Object A set of key/value pairs to configure the URL query.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""